Typical Benefits

Clear up-to-date overview of all assets at any time

  • Liquid investment portfolios with the banks
  • Integration of any other assets such as art, real estate and pension schemes


  • Elimination of over-diversification and fragmentation
  • Removal of hidden investment duplications
  • Cash management control

Cost efficiency

  • Avoidance of fees for superfluous investments
  • Avoidance of paying twice for the same thing
  • Avoidance of paying for non performing over-diversification

Performance enhancement

  • Strict analysis of managers performance contributions allow for optimal asset management allocation


  • Receiving an overview of your actual investments versus perceived investments
  • Overview of the actual fees, charges, taxes and commissions being paid including manual analysis and disclosure of opaque fee charges

Reduced risk exposure

  • In-depth analysis unveils hidden risks that needed to be addressed
  • Eliminating risks that do not contribute to the performance

Regaining overall control

  • Transparency and control of costs, risks and performance puts you back in the driver’s seat